It's That Time of Year:  Hazardous Weed Abatement

To keep Lakeport safe, the City of Lakeport and Lakeport Fire Protection District want to remind everyone that it’s time to trim the hedges, cut the grass, and keep the yards and fields clear of hazardous weeds. City of Lakeport Municipal Code Chapter 8.28 states that hazardous weeds can be declared a Public Nuisance by the City Council.

Weeds, dead trees and other overgrown and uncultivated vegetation is considered hazardous and may casue a danger to public safety. All such materials should be cut and/or removed to a maximum of 4 inches in height.

Please mow before 10AM and never on a hot & windy day! Always have a fire extinguisher nearby, plus a shovel and garden hose!

Click here for a presentation on the 2023 Weed Abatement Program.