Visioning Workshop:  County of Lake Parks, Recreation and Trails Visioning Workshop to be Held April 11

Parks, Recreation and Trails Visioning Workshop to be Held April 11

Your Attendance and Input Are Also Welcome at Lakeport and Clearlake Pop-Up Events April 11 and 12

 Lake County, CA (April 4, 2023) – What would you like to see in our local parks, recreation, and trails? The County of Lake invites you to attend a Visioning Workshop to learn about ongoing development of a Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan, and contribute your thoughts and experiences to this important planning process.

The Parks, Recreation, and Trails Master Plan will: inventory our parks, facilities, and trails; develop an understanding of community priorities and needs; and create actionable strategies to ensure quality facilities are accessible to all County residents. Master Planning efforts will include many opportunities for the public to get involved and share their unique, local experiences.

The County is hosting a Parks, Recreation and Trails-focused Visioning Workshop on April 11th from 6:30-8:00 pm at the County Board Chambers, 255 N Forbes Street, Lakeport CA, 95453. There will be a brief presentation, followed by a visioning exercise. All ages are welcome.

Additionally, the County will be holding pop-ups where residents can stop by to share their input toward County parks, trails, and recreation Master Planning:

Tuesday, April 11th from 1-4 pm
Lobby - County Courthouse 
255 N Forbes Street
Lakeport, CA 95453

Wednesday, April 12th from 3:30-6 pm
Redbud Library
14785 Burns Valley Road
Clearlake, CA 95422

If you cannot attend the workshop or stop by a pop-up, there are other ways to get involved.

Please visit our project website, to access a virtual visioning activity.

Thank you for partnering with us to promote the brightest, healthiest possible future for every Lake County resident!

For more information, please call 707-262-1618.