Pending Projects

Pending Projects

Lakeport EVA Bridge The project applicant proposes to construct an emergency vehicle access (EVA) bridge across Forbes Creek in Lakeport, Lake County, California. The proposed EVA bridge project (Project) involves construction on an approximately 1-acre parcel, which will link Wrigley Street to the south with Craig Avenue to the north.  Planning Division Draft Initial Study and Environmental Checklist Review
Bevins 40  Construction of a three story building providing a total of 40 units of affordable senior housing on a 3.37-acre site located at 447 Bevins Street.  Planning Division Environmental Review Record
Martin Street Apartments Phase III Application for a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, and development of affordable housing units. The project will amend the General Plan and Zoning from Low-Density Residential to High-Density Residential. The project would include the following:
- 40 total dwelling units within five (5) multi-family residential buildings with a total of eight (8) units per building.
- A 2,469 square foot Community Center
- A Playground
- A half basketball court

Planning Division Draft Initial Study and Environmental Checklist Review
LAKEPORT HUB  Application for a Combined Development Permit for the property at 1842 Todd Road in Lakeport California.  The project would include the following:  A Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide a 14.89-acre parcel into eight (8) separate commercial properties.  An Architectural and Design Review for the construction of ten (10) structures that include one (1) service station with bays, four (4) restaurants with drive thru facilities, two (2) restaurants, one (1) three story 70-unit hotel and three (3) commercial retail buildings.  The total square footage of all the structures on the property would be approximately 94,850 square feet.   Planning Division Draft Initial Study and Environmental Checklist Review 
 SOUTH LAKEPORT ANNEXATION  Annexation of 123.64 acres located along the South Main Street and Soda Bay Road Corridor just south of the current City limits.

 Planning Division Submit Annexation Application to LAFCo (March 2019)
  • Energy Efficiency & Solar Array Installation at several City owned facilities throughout the City.
  • Retrofit indoor and outdoor lighting at several City operated building (City Hall, Police Department, Corporation Yard and Wastewater Treatment Plant).
  • Replace existing lighting in Library Park and along Main Street with energy efficient LED fixtures.
  • HVAC Unit Replacement (City Hall, Police Department, Corporation Yard and Carnegie Library).
  • Construction of Solar facilities at several City facilities (CLMSD Wastewater Treatment Plant, Corporation Yard, Green Ranch Water Wells, City Hall Parking Lot, Police Department).
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Station adjacent to City Hall
  • Pump Motor VFD Upgrades at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

 CIP Team
  • Lighting Upgrades - Scheduled in March 2019
  • HVAC Upgrades - Corporation Yard Complete, Police Department currently underway, City Hall & Carnegie Complete
  • Solar Array - Corporation Yard under construction, Police Department underway, City Hall being switched to B of A Building, CLMSD CEQA is to completed in March. Riggs Road Ranch CEQA is to be completed in March.
  • Library Park & Downtown Lighting scheduled to be completed in April
 CARNEGIE LIBRARY ACCESSIBILITY UPGRADES The City of Lakeport received a CDBG Block Grant in 2014 to assist in the completion of accessibility upgrades to the historic Carnegie Library structure in order to allow this building to open once again to the public. Principal improvements include the installation of a LULA life (hybrid of a full-size commercial elevator and a wheelchair lift), ADA compliant bathrooms, replacement of failing upstairs ceiling, lighting upgrades and improvements to the south entry to provide ADA compliant building access.  CIP Team Elevator Lift, Restrooms & ADA Path of Travel Completed (end of 2018)
Preparing RFP for Ceiling Repair & Lighting Upgrades (Spring 2019)

Current layout of City Hall creates challenges for clustering of customer related services in one location. Project proposes a remodel of interior spaces within City Hall to assist in facilitating better customer service. Proposed remodel consists of the following improvements and the creation of a "One-Stop Customer Service Center":
  • Relocate CDD public window to main lobby. Expand window area to accommodate the review of building plans.
  • Create more usable space to accommodate Finance Department Staff and serve multiple customers at once.
  • Allow for the creation of public window complaint with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Provide closed in Council Chambers for storage of tables and equipment.
  • Separate back conference room from Council Chambers through relocation doorway to allow better utilization of space.
  • Miscellaneous considerations - upgrade security system, fur wall along the north building exterior, repair exterior building coating to prohibit water seepage, Park Street crash door installation.

 CIP Team Design and Estimates complete RFP for Construction Bids - Spring 2019

 HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE Update the Housing Element of the Lakeport General Plan for the period of (2015-2022) consistent with California State Law.  Planning Division Prepare RFP for consultant services (Spring/Summer 2019)
 GENERAL PLAN & ZONING LAND USE INCONSISTENCIES RESOLUTION General Plan Amendment (GPA 16-01) and Zone Change (ZC 16-01) for Ninety-one (91) properties throughout the City of Lakeport. The proposed changes aim to resolve significant inconsistencies between the existing General Plan land use and Zoning classification designation mapping.

 Planning Division Reviewed by the Planning Commission in the Summer/Fall of 2018. 
Prepare requisite Exhibit mapping, resolutions and present to City Council Spring 2019
To ensure tourist accommodations continue to be the prime use along the shoreline of Clear Lake, the Lakeport Lakefront Revitalization Plan, adopted in 2017, recommended that the City consider amending the R-5 (Resort/High Density Residential) Zoning District to eliminate residential uses as a stand-alone use and prioritize resort commercial uses. Issues to consider:

  • Limiting residential uses in the R-5 Zoning District to only those that are accessory and subordinate to a resort use.
  • Appropriate Commercial and Retail uses (limited to Recreational and Tourist Oriented uses)
  • Specific development criteria/standards for uses within the R-5 Zoning District
 Planning Division Staff to prepare proposed R-5 Zoning District Amendments and Lakefront mapping changes -Spring 2019

Public Workshop Presentation - May 2019

ELEVENTH STREET CORRIDOR PLANNING GRANT  The project will analyze transportation alternatives along the Eleventh Street corridor within the City of Lakeport. Project will examine costs and options related to potential street widening projects as well as the feasibility of other bicycle, pedestrian or transit facility improvements within the corridor. The focus of the study will be on expanding multimodal use and improving safety for non-motorized users of the street, which is one of the City's primary east-west arteries to the downtown and lakefront areas. Lake APC/CDD & PW Technical Advisory Group Meeting to take place over the next several months to assist consultant (W-Trans) conduct public outreach and create alternative plans to consider.

 CLEAN WATER & STORMWATER PROGRAM REVAMP The Lake County Clean Water Program (LCCWP) Stormwater Program is a joint effort between the County of Lake, City of Clearlake and the City of Lakeport to reduce the damage caused by polluted stormwater runoff and impacts of increases in peak flows from development. The County and two Cities are working to coordinate compliance with changing State regulations and facilitate the implementation of a new municipal stormwater permit.  CDD & PW Revised expired joint powers agreement and re-institute stormwater working groups.

 LAKE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PATHWAY TO SUCCESS ADOPTION Developed with the assistance of Sonoma State University Professor of Economics, Dr. Eyler, the 'Pathway to Success' document is a blueprint for the implementation of a regional Economic Development Strategy for the Lake County Economic Development Corporation (Lake EDC).

 ED Following the adoption and commitment to funding by the County of Lake, prepare staff report for discussion with City Council on adaptation and commitment to funding
 1255 MARTIN STREET AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRANT IMPLEMENTATION Implementation of 2016 HOME Grant for the construction of 24 Multi-family affordable housing units. Support efforts of Pacific West Homes in obtaining tax credits to construct 48 additional affordable multi-family units at this site in the near future. Continue to pursue funding through either USDA or CDBG to assist in the construction of off-site improvements to facilitate the development of affordable housing at this site.  Planning Division Phase I Construction in Progress
Phase II Entitlements in progress 
Submit 2019 CDBG application for off-site improvements.

 VACANT PROPERTY INDEX (ZOOM PROSPECTOR) Create inventory of all vacant commercial properties and building within the City of Lakeport and provide information on Lake EDC commercial property site finder online site selector application (Zoom Prospector). 
Additionally, continue to educate the local development community on the features and advantages provided by Zoom Prospector.

 CDD/ED  Zoom Prospector currently up and running on Lake EDC website with active link from City of Lakeport website.
CDD staff to populate with general information listings of vacant properties and buildings throughout the City.
The adopted Lakefront Revitalization Plan (2018) included a number of recommendations to be considered for the strengthening of the waterfront and downtown business area. Several of these suggestions require text amendments to the current Zoning Ordinance. Items to be considered include but are not limited to:

  • First floor retail only ordinance for core downtown area.
  • Revise current sign regulations.
  • Develop a way finding signage program.
  • Consider additional allowances for outdoor dining and sales.
  • Consider the development of a commercial property maintenance ordinance.

 CDD/ED CDD staff working with LMSA & LEDAC to draft possible text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance to aid in implementation of Lakefront Plan recommendations.

 RIGHT-OF-WAY IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE REVISION The most frequently cited issue by the development community pertaining to doing business in Lakeport revolves around the City's current Right-of-Way Improvement Ordinance. Amendments to the Ordinance should be considered to ease the cost burden on development while at the same time ensuring that improvements to the City's key infrastructure (roads and sidewalk) are being completed.  PW/CDD Form internal staff working group (CDD,PW,Admin, & City Atty) to develop possible revisions to the current Right-of-Way Ordinance (Summer/Fall 2019)

 LAKE WALKS: PEDESTRIAN NEEDS SURVEY The Lake Area Planning Council together with the assistance of the County and two Cities is developing a countywide study of pedestrian needs, gaps and project ideas. The study will include an inventory of all existing pedestrian improvements, evaluate project ideas, and then select the ones that will most improve walking the two cities and unincorporated areas.

 Lake APC/
Consultant has completed public outreach portions of study and is working with stakeholders on developing prioritization process for evaluation findings. Draft list of priority projects to be reviewed by City this summer.
In 2018 the City received $100,000.00 in CDBG Technical Assistance grant monies to study and provide design criteria for the implementation of elements provided in the 2012 Forbes Creek Neighborhood Improvement Study. To facilitate the design of street improvements, various design constraints new to be identified and quantified. These constraints include hydrological, biological, botanical, and cultural considerations.  CDD/ENG CDBG Grant awarded in 2018. Engineering Division needs to formulate scope of work and solicit an RFP.

 GUIDE TO DOING BUSINESS IN LAKEPORT Development of a comprehensive 'Guide to Doing Business in Lakeport' detailing a step by step process of how to get a business started in the City.

 ED/CDD Brochure (Short-form) completed in 2018.
LEDAC Business Services working group is reviewing the final draft of the full Guide. 
LAKEPORT BUSINESS WALKS PROGRAM  City management staff in conjunction with LEDAC perform an annual check-in with local businesses throughout the City through a series of conversations and general survey. 

 ED 2018 Business Walk findings presented to City Council in July 2018.
2019 Business Walks extended window and will present findings to City Council Summer/Fall 2019.
 HAZARDOUS WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM Following the devastating wildfires of the past few years, the City of Lakeport together with the Lakeport Fire Protection District have engaged in a more aggressive dry vegetation abatement program. Dry hazardous vegetation should be removed prior to June 1. Properties found to still contain dry vegetation after June 1 will be subject to the City's administrative penalties procedures.   CDD & FD LMC amended in 2018 setting June 1st deadline.
Site visits by staff to occur first week of June.

 RIGHT-OF-WAY VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Resulting from a growing number of citizen complaints regarding overgrown vegetation obstructing intersections, the Community Development Department has implemented a more proactive Right-of-Way Vegetation management program. Courtesy notification is provided to known problem areas twice a year encouraging active management and control of vegetation before it obstructs intersections and sidewalks. 

 CDD Fall 2018 CDD staff performed Citywide site visits and identified problem areas where overgrown vegetation is present.
January 2019 staff created ROW Vegetation Management webpage
Spring/Summer 2019 Citywide site visits will be made and courtesy notifications will be sent out.

 CODE ENFORCEMENT NEIGHBORHOOD PROGRAM In recognition that a vast majority of code enforcement related complaints are isolated to specific neighborhoods and often are re-occurring on the same handful of propertied within the City, CDD staff in conjunction with the PD Community Liaison Officer would like to work more directly with neighborhood watch groups and set up a more context sensitive code enforcement program for these identified areas. Measures may include community clean-up and special assistance to property owners with a demonstrated financial hardship in cleaning up their properties.   PD/CDD Map City Neighborhoods

 ABANDONED VEHICLE ABATEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE CITATION PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION Consider the adoption of an Ordinance that would allow Community Develpment Staff the authority to apply administrative penalties to the last registered owner of an abandoned vehicle. 

PD/CDD  Review of City of Clearlake recently adopted emergency ordinance on the same subject.

 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WEBSITE UPDATE Develop a more interactive and comprehensive website for the City's Economic Development programs.

ED  Placeholder Economic Development pages developed as part of the City's Website upgrade.
Consider proposal by Mobius Networks for the development of specific City Economic Development Website.
LAKEPORT HOUSING PROGRAM STRATEGIC PLAN DEVELOPMENT  Develop a comprehensive and strategic plan aimed at revitalizing the City of Lakeport's Housing Program.

 CDD Consider HOME grant of OOR & FHB programs.
CDD PROCEDURES MANUAL UPDATE  Develop a comprehensive procedural manual for Community Development Department related activities (Planning, Business Licensing, Code Enforcement, Floodplain Management, Building, Housing & Environmental Resources).  CDD  Code Enforcement draft procedural manual completed.

CDD APPLICATION & HANDOUTS UPDATE  Review and systematically revise current Community Development handouts and applications and consider the development of new material based on frequently asked questions from the public.  CDD Revised website contains new information that can be easily adapted into new handouts. 
SMARTGOV BUILDING RECORDS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATION  Replace aging and unsupported building permit software system (Black Bear) with new system (Smartgov).

 CDD Currently in process of configuration of new system with upgrade expected to be completed in Fall 2019 

LAKEPORT PUBLIC GIS PORTAL  Develop publically accessible GIS mapping system on the City of Lakeport webpage. 

 CDD Draft mapping of key layers being completed (General Plan, Zoning, Flood Zones, etc.).