Medical Marijuana Cultivation Information

Medical Marijuana Cultivation Information

bigstock--222845662In 2013 the City of Lakeport adopted regulations (Lakeport Municipal Code Chapter 17.38) regarding the cultivation of medical marijuana.
These rules are the product of a committee consisting of interested citizens, medical marijuana advocates, City staff and two City Council members.
This was an effort to address the concerns of residents regarding the cultivation of marijuana in our community as well as protecting the rights of patients with the required medical recommendation to cultivate their own medicine, individually or as part of a legitimate collective.
These rules are designed to allow the cultivation of medical marijuana in residential areas in a manner that will not create nuisance odors or increase public safety threats related to theft, burglary, home invasions, and fires.

The City believes that these rules strike the appropriate balance for our community. 

Key provisions of the new medical marijuana cultivation regulations include:

  • No marijuana cultivation is allowed in a residence or an attached garage.
  • All medical marijuana must be grown in a secure, detached structure that is provided with an effective odor filtration system.  The structure must be provided with setbacks from other structures and property lines. 
  • There is no restriction on the number of cannabis plants. Instead, the maximum area of the plant canopy is 80 square feet.
  • Medical marijuana cultivation is not permitted within three hundred feet of any school, child care center, park or playground.

Please review the new ordinance and contact our staff at the Community Development Department at City Hall if you have questions about the new rules.  The City can provide information about a secure structure specifically designed for medical marijuana cultivation, including the necessary odor filtration system. 

Violations of these new regulations will be subject to the issuance of an Administrative Citation. Information about the Administrative Citation process can be found here.

These new marijuana cultivation regulations are intended to enhance our community by eliminating nuisance odors and public safety concerns.