Code Enforcement Complaint Process

Code Enforcement Complaint Process

sunset on the lake
It is policy the the Code Compliance Program attempt to resolve citizen complaints to the satisfaction of those concerned, while providing a quick and effective process to abate violations of the code. Every effort will be made to achieve a voluntary compliance concept.
Whenever enforcement action is deemed necessary, appropriate measures will be taken as allowed by law. All complaints are processed as quickly as possible.
However, "life threatening" or "public hazard" type complaints receive priority. Processing time limits may vary depending upon applicable ordinances and other restrictions of the law. All complaints, regardless of nature, are validated by a City Code Enforcement Officer.
Frivolous or unfounded complaints will not be processed.
When the Code Enforcement Division receives a complaint, the Code Enforcement Officer will follow up with a Site inspection to verify the complaint. If the complaint is verified, a Courtesy letter is sent to the property owner where the alleged violations exist. The Courtesy letter allows a standard compliance period of 14 days for the property owner, or resident, to correct the conditions. After 14 days have passed, the Code Enforcement Officer will complete a Follow up Inspection to review the property to determine whether the corrections have been made.
If the corrections have been made, the complant is closed and no further action is taken. If the corrections have not been made, a Notice of Violation will be sent to the property owner, and they are given a specific date to be in compliance or an Administrative Citation will be issued.
Code Enforcement investigates all valid complaints in an order determined by greatest health and safety risk. Complaints alleging hazardous conditions are investigated first.