Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program (AVA)

Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program (AVA)

AVA photo1Abandoned vehicles may be viewed as a quality-of-life problem; they are unsightly, and they symbolize and contribute to signs of disorder and decay. It is believed that issues such as abandoned vehicles invite further crime.

The Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Program (AVA) was originally implemented by legislation and adopted by the State in 1990. The California Department of Motor Vehicles collects one dollar from each passenger vehicle registered in Lake County and three dollars for larger commercial vehicles to fund the Program.

The AVA Program is run by City Code Enforcement in tandem with the Lakeport Police Department. The reporting party is asked to leave a message with as much detailed information as possible. This includes the make, model, color, approximate year, license plate and location of the abandoned vehicle. Staff will begin the necessary steps to have the vehicle removed.

On-Street Vehicle Abatement
By ordinance, City of Lakeport Code Enforcement removes (abates) vehicles that are a public nuisance. 
Nuisance vehicles include abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, inoperative, unregistered (in excess of six months), and unmoved (for more than 72 hours) vehicles. 
Note:Code Enforcement does not enforce parking laws and will not remove a car solely because it has been parked in the same spot for more than 72 hours. Please report parking violations to the Lakeport Police Department, 263-263-5491, including: parking in excess of 72 hours; parking in front of a fire hydrant; parking the wrong way; and blocking a driveway.

If you reported an abandoned vehicle and it has not been moved after more than two weeks ago, it was likely investigated and found not to be abandoned; i.e., someone demonstrated interest in that car. It should not be re-reported as abandoned, but referred to the Lakeport Police Department, 263-263-5491, for possible parking violations.

Why Does the City Remove Vehicles?
The presence, accumulation and storage of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, or inoperative vehicles, creates conditions likely to reduce the value of real property in the area, promotes blight and deterioration, attracts crime, creates fire hazards and harborage for rodents and insects, and is injurious to the public peace, health, safety, and general welfare. 
The California Vehicle Code allows county governments to establish procedures for the abatement and removal of vehicles, or parts thereof, from the public right-of-way. It also allows for the recovery of costs associated with vehicle abatement. (Section 22660 of the California Vehicle Code)

 What is an Abandoned Vehicle?
The vehicle owner has ceased to assert or exercise any interest, right or title to such vehicle. 

What is a Dismantled Vehicle?
A vehicle that has been taken apart, or disassembled into pieces, and/or stripped, or otherwise deprived of any of its integral parts or equipment. 

What is an Inoperative Vehicle?
A vehicle that is physically incapable of working, functioning, or otherwise operating. 

What is a Wrecked Vehicle?
Consists of disordered or broken remains, or which has been brought to a physically impaired or unsound condition, or other ruinous state by reason of collision, crash or other forceful impact. 

City of Lakeport Vehicle Abatement Procedures
1. A complaint is received.

2. An Officer responds to investigate the complaint:
  • If there is no violation, the case is closed.
  • If the vehicle is gone on arrival, the case is closed.
  • If the vehicle is abandoned, wrecked, dismantled, unregistered, and appears to have been parked in excess of 72 hours, the vehicle is posted with a notice of intent to abate.
3. Upon re-inspection: 
  • If the vehicle is brought into voluntary compliance (i.e. has been repaired so that it is operable or has been registered and driven), the case is closed.
  • If the vehicle has not been brought into compliance, the vehicle may be towed and fees imposed.

*PLEASE NOTE: If the vehicle poses a threat to safety, the vehicle can be immediately towed.